Author: aron

  • Garage cleanup day

    So now that I have the materials, I need to clear out the shed so I can tear down the old one and build the new. So the garage had to be cleaned in order to move the stuff from the shed… Long story short after about 4 hours of wondering around cleaning, organizing and…

  • The Big Four Nine

    So today is my 49th birthday, sigh. Hindsight is always 20/20 so in looking back there are a lot of things that I’d like to go back and do differently, but you can’t and you waste time thinking about it, learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the present. I’ll try…

  • Shed Materials Acquired

    I finally broke down and blew the $4000 on the materials to build the shed. It’s hard for me to spend that much on parts, it’s one thing if you’re buying one that’s pre-built and you’re putting it together but I’m getting rough lumber that needs cut, and built. I’m so looking forward to it!!!

  • Mom’s Birthday

    So four days after dads birthday and four days before mine is mom’s birthday. Oddly enough Sandy’s dad was born on the 19th also, and our friend Katie, so there are a lot of birthdays today LOL. I was happy we got to take mom out to Cheddar’s for lunch, she cracks me up, ordered…

  • Dad’s Birthday

    Every January 15th, I pause to think of my dad, it’s been seven years since he left us and I still miss him. I’m sad that he didn’t get to see some of the toys I bought and what my life is like now. I’m guessing if he could see it he’d be proud at…

  • Python Begins

    So I’m taking a class on Python, I’m actually super excited about this class and it’s been ages waiting to get the class. For those who don’t know Python is a scripting language that is growing exponentially in popularity. It’s amazing what you can do with it, the only downside to it is that it’s…

  • Monday Blue

    Monday’s are never easy and the first one back that not after a 4 day weekend is especially cruel. Oh well, it’s not like I had anything that needed to get done. I’m actually a bit worried that work has dried or is drying up. It doesn’t have anything to do with the virus, unless…

  • Wildcard Weekend

    3 football games yesterday and three today, although the Cowboys were watching the games from the couch like I was, it was still nice to have football on for 18 hours over the weekend. Not sure why, it just felt normal despite no one was in the stands and even the head coach of one…

  • New Linux Mint Desktop

    So for the longest time my old development box was sitting around with an unactivated copy of Windows 10 on it and I was using RDP to VPN in and do my torrent downloading and what have you. Those are things you set and forget because it takes hours/days for the download to complete. After…

  • Early Flight out of DAL

    So Sandy is on her way to visit her friend in Colorado Springs and got the best deal on Southwest, I’ve never flown them personally and have nothing against them but they are based out of Love Field in Dallas, which isn’t really that far away but it’s twice as far as DFW. As I…