
  • Feels Like Winter

    It made it up to 35 or so today. Just cold, I did make it out to the pharmacy to pull my scripts but I preheated the car so it wasn’t that bad. I simply don’t have the clothes to manage freezing weather. If it were something more common I would. I mean I have t-shirts and shorts to wear for months at a time but that’s the weather here.

    I feel like I need to go someplace but with starting a new gig it’s not possible. I’m not sure what’s up with that but we’ll deal with it. I got the parts I needed to put a bit more of a workstation together, always nice to have screens to work on. Now I just need the right software.

  • It’s 20 degrees and the Hockey Game’s on

    Well not tonight but tomorrow it will be the case. Sad that Jimmy past, but he had a good life. We drove by a post office that I remember being out when Brandi called, she’s past too. I’ve been thinking more about ‘passing’ then usual. Probably just the weather and the winter.

    I need to find what I want to do for the rest of my life. I think it’s Azure right? I need something that will work remotely and pay 6 figures. I think that’s Azure data and I can do DevOps from there. That’s what I want to do when I grow up right? I should figure that our so I can hurry up and get some certifications.

  • New Retirement Plan

    So all this investment in 401k’s and other investments is just silly. With all the gambling apps out there, I’ve got a fail proof plan to make millions. I simply need to bet against any football team I want to win. It’s so simple I can’t believe it’s been staring me right in the face all this time. It goes further than that but betting against football teams I like is a no brainer. This weekend I saw the Texans loose to the Chiefs, the Rams fall to the Eagles and worst of all, the Lions got beat by Washington. The only ray of hope was Buffalo and I’m rooting for them the rest of the way in.

    So there are 3 football games left this season. Then it’s nothing until September. Oh well, time to work on that summer body LOL. I should have the Sunday scarries or Sunday angst but since tomorrow is a day off, it’s not all that bad. Going to be cold tonight but we’re ready. Peace out world.

  • Found It!!!

    Found my drivers license! It was on the scanner which I should have thought about but didn’t. I’m happy, I don’t have to figure out how to replace that.

    Also it was a nice day to go out with mom and sis and Ron and Sandy to Saltgrass Steakhouse for a late lunch. It was nice but I think that mom is getting worse, she seemed to have trouble getting into sis’s new car. I mean she had trouble with the truck but that was too high and this one was too low. She also didn’t order, sister ordered for her. I’m not sure where this leads but I’m pretty sure that I’m not going to like it.

    I got nothing done today except eating too much. Maybe a little cleaning. Some frustrating back and forth with Ubuntu Mate on the old laptop. Somehow I installed xRDP and now can’t log onto the console but can via RDP but can’t launch a browser because they’re all snap apps. Things that make you go hum…

  • Seriously TGIF

    What a week, I’m super happy that it’s come to an end. I have kept myself busy at work but I’m not sure if what I’m doing is what they want. It’s what’s needed but I’m not sure it’s what’s wanted. And I do not have the tools to do the second part of the job which is a XML > HTML > PDF. I can’t do that in notepad. But I’m rocking what I’m supposed to be doing and that’s what counts.

    Tomorrow is birthday dinners for mom and I. Should be nice. Today is supposed to be the last day of nice weather before a polar vortex rolls in. We’re still set from the last round, one empty propane tank but I don’t feel an imperative need to get it filled. I should go check the RV but I’m confident it’s fine.

    There is some work to be done tomorrow but for now it’s time to rest.

  • Adobe Idiots

    Usually I blog at the end of the day after all the events are complete. It gives me time to reflect on what happened and try to highlight what went on in my world that day.

    Today, I found out that the assassin and horrible layout in Acrobat reader is a feature introduced by an update. I haven’t really had to pay attention to it as I really haven’t been using it like I would working full time. And now that I’m using Acrobat reader again, it turns out the bookmarks being on the right side cannot be changed unless you turn off the new version. Can you believe that?

    After you change back they ask you why and I was happy to explain how dissatisfied I was and I was proud of myself for omitting the foul language I was spouting when I found out what this horrible ‘update’ was.

  • Happy Birthday Dad

    Today dad would have been 84 years old. I feel bad that he passed before I really figured out how to be an adult and he went to his grave thinking I’d never get it right. I’m sure he knows.

  • Where’s My Friggin License

    So I was at Post Net to get my fingerprints taken (again), what was interesting, the nice lady taking them helped me get it done right. I needed two forms of IDs and of course my passport and tried to pull out my drivers license and low and behold it’s not there. Fortunately they took my concealed carry permit. But that still leads to the question, where the hell is my drivers license. I needed it to buy NO2 for the whipped cream maker and needed to take a picture of it for the purchase. But I also needed my credit card and that found its way back to my wallet. I cleaned on Saturday and I’m scared I may have tossed it out with the junk on the coffee table. I need to do laundry to see if it got pocketed, we’ll see how that goes.

    I just find it amazing my drivers license has remained in my wallet for literally years without being taken out and over the last months it’s been every week. Oh well such is life.

  • New Gig Kickoff

    Well I started a new gig today, it seems kind of cool but its got some issues too. I can honestly say I’ve never had to do any development with notepad, and it’s one of the more horrible things I’ve ever had to do. The integration server has 4GB of RAM, I think my phone has 16GB. They’re trying to get me Ultra Edit but that would only be for the desktop, not the server…

    Now, I’ve been in the computer business for 30 years, there are ways around the issues I’m having BUT in this situation I’ve been informed that’s a no no and no go or you get gone. So development is going to take ridiculously longer but it can still get done. I’ll holler more if I need to do anything in XSL which I think we’re going to do.

    But I’m happy, I should be able to help get these guys where they need to be and maybe even pick up a few new skills.

  • It’s A Get Nothing Done Day

    I had grand illusions of getting a ton of stuff done today. It didn’t happen. I’m okay with it, it was a good day for that to happen. I start the new gig tomorrow and it’s playing on my mind. Not sure why. This is what I’ve been doing for the last 10 years, well minus the last year but they didn’t come up with anything new in that time. I’m a professional at what I do and I can do damn close to anything given the direction.

    That is a problem with me. I’m not really a leader and I’m not one of those people who comes up with the big picture. I like the details. I’m the detail guy, that is (after all) where the devil is and I have some sympathy for him. That’s my failing on my home server, I have a million things that I want to do and the computer is just a rabbit hole, I need to find that task organizer and put it to use for this. But first I have to figure out docker so I can host the service then I need to put it into Podman. And it spirals from there. I do enjoy it though, and that means a lot.

    The NFL playoffs have been par for the course, the underdog has lost on all of them so far. Still fun to keep track of. Well I’m going to try to calm my nerves with a walk on the treadmill and hopefully get a good nights sleep so I can rock and roll in the morning. Wish me luck!!!