Memorial Day 2021

I deeply appreciate the sacrifices that were given by those who fought for our freedoms. I regret that I was not able to be of service to my country in whatever capacity they would have needed me. I tried but the cyst on my wrist caused them to take a pass on me. Kind of a sour grapes situation for me but I’m trying to be content in the higher plan of the path that I’m on, whatever that may be.

While the weekend was kind of a washout for Sunday and Monday, we did get to spend Saturday being social and visiting. Started off at Phillip and Michelle’s to see the new pool and catch up. They quit smoking a couple of years ago on Chantix so I was able to thank them for the insight and share my success. Got to see David and Keli along with Ronda, Age and Hanna and Colter. It was good to catch up with everyone.

Then we stopped by to see one of my favorite vets Tim over at his shop. Got a chance to see how TJ pulled apart his truck for cleaning and I’m going to do the same thing this fall with the Chevy.