Still not a fan of Sunday’s. Never will be. I wonder if it’s odd that I was born on a Sunday. Maybe that has something to do with it, I mean it’s because of Monday so highly doubtful.
In any case, this one is more stressful than most because the electricians will be back tomorrow and after the nightmare with Sammy on Friday, I’m not sure what to do. Well, we’re going to take Rocky to the RV with us and Sammy can handle up on her own. I don’t have time for her neurosis. I’ll have to address it at some point but tomorrow is not the day.
We also have an appointment with Michele and I don’t know if they’ll have the power pulled or not at 11. At least that’s the only meeting I have tomorrow. I have my annual physical on Wednesday and another meeting with Michele on Thursday. And I have to finish up with that other project. And I have my initial meeting with the study co-coordinator on Tuesday. Sigh…
But this is moving forward. To a destination I’m uncertain of with the possible exception that I know it will lead to death. That’s the only certainty in life right? No one here gets out alive…
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