I woke up and went to work so to speak but I’m kind of waiting for directions so I didn’t have much to do. Decided to go ahead and get a haircut, Nice 30 year old lady did my hair and she was quite nice. When I got back I went for a bike ride and did about 5 miles. It was nice to be out in the fresh air.
I then went to Kroger and got some 6oz fillets and a dozen roses because I hadn’t done that in a while. Cam home and took the bike back out to the gym and walked a mile or so, came home and cooked up the rest of the mushrooms and when Sandy came home we had eggs, mushrooms and cheese.
Sandy also had a doctor appointment and they’re going to fix her nose. So hopefully I won’t be the next one in the hospital. I still haven’t gotten a bill for my little trip to the hospital but the insurance company issued and EOB so it shouldn’t be long now.
In a piece of good news I got the notice that a FedEx package will be here tomorrow, so my server will be here tomorrow and I’m kind of psyched about it. More to come on that front soon.