Halfway Through the Week

Made it halfway through the week and it warmed up a bit, that’s subjective since it only made it to 42 but it beats 22. Lab tests are back in and I’m fit as a fiddle, not a new shinny one but one that will be around for a couple more years. The only thing that was slightly elevated was glucose because my sweet tooth has been in full effect and getting the sharing size as opposed to the family size of Heath bars just wasn’t a big enough concession. I can fix that.

Birthday meals will be on Saturday. Mom, sis and Ron will come over here and I’ll drive us to the Saltgrass Steakhouse for a late lunch and then back here for cherry cheesecake. Cortney and Sandy are going to something called the veggie fest this Sunday. I’ve rarely been happier to not be invited someplace.

Sandy and I managed to make it to the gym today, did half an hour of cardio and even a little bit of running. It was nice to get out of the house and move a bit.