Mattress Follies V2

Well it’s done, we got a mattress at the place Sandy’s friend suggested and it was $300 cheaper than the one we had to cancel BUT, it’s a 14 inch mattress, even I needed to get a step stool so I could get into bed properly. But it is comfortable and that I think is the most important thing. We’ll see, Sandy fell ill when we got back from our hike, the PX and commissary so she went to bed around 7:30ish. I couldn’t sleep that early so I’m blogging, doing dishes and cleaning. We also got the mattress toppers wrapped and rolled and in the truck to get to Zakery. BTW we had lunch with him at Red Hots in Tacoma. Nice place but for 3 hot dogs and a couple of drinks it was $38.38 with tip.

We got a nice 5k hike in after we got back from lunch and got everything packed in the truck and before we went shopping. It was in the city of DuPont right between the police station and city hall, the path went down to a lake, maybe a sound, but it was pretty. I’m in love with the trees everywhere around here. The Pacific Northwest is amazingly beautiful.

The Sea-hawks are playing at home on Sunday so we’re heading into downtown Seattle tomorrow and then Mt Rainier on Sunday. Monday will be a rest day if needed and back on the road on Tuesday. From now on the miles are towards home. Which made me happy but Sandy sad, we’ll have to work on that.