Category: Life in General

  • Amazon still sells books!

    I actually got an Amazon order that contained only books today, it’s hard to believe that they actually started as an online book store. Right now I’m a little miffed at Jeff and his crew, I need four monitors for my Linux box and they have the ones I wanted but will only sell me…

  • Fully Vaccinated

    Got my second Moderna shot today! There is a huge sense of relief getting this, the freedom that everyone is bitching about comes from this shot. Now I don’t have to worry about catching this ridiculous virus and I can’t wait for life to get back to somewhat normal.

  • Hell Hath Frozen Over

    I’ve dealt with cold before doing time in Erie, Pa but this is a bit ridiculous. Fortunately the power is still on and we’re staying warm. So far so good, nothing major had been destroyed.

  • Dad’s Birthday

    Every January 15th, I pause to think of my dad, it’s been seven years since he left us and I still miss him. I’m sad that he didn’t get to see some of the toys I bought and what my life is like now. I’m guessing if he could see it he’d be proud at…

  • Monday Blue

    Monday’s are never easy and the first one back that not after a 4 day weekend is especially cruel. Oh well, it’s not like I had anything that needed to get done. I’m actually a bit worried that work has dried or is drying up. It doesn’t have anything to do with the virus, unless…

  • Wildcard Weekend

    3 football games yesterday and three today, although the Cowboys were watching the games from the couch like I was, it was still nice to have football on for 18 hours over the weekend. Not sure why, it just felt normal despite no one was in the stands and even the head coach of one…

  • Early Flight out of DAL

    So Sandy is on her way to visit her friend in Colorado Springs and got the best deal on Southwest, I’ve never flown them personally and have nothing against them but they are based out of Love Field in Dallas, which isn’t really that far away but it’s twice as far as DFW. As I…

  • New to the Site – Recipes!!!

    After some careful consideration I’m consolidating my food blog with this one. I’ll be adding a category under food for recipes and tagging actual recipes to it. I’d always been keen on splitting out the different sites (e.g. food/recipes, tech, movies, document site) but I’m going to try to consolidate except for the tech site,…

  • Cowboys Season is Over

    You know I’m not much of a sports fan these days. I mean I hold nothing against them and I really enjoy having live sports on, maybe it’s the pandemic but it feels normal even if there isn’t anyone in the stands. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a Cowboy’s fan just because I was…

  • Lazy Study Day

    So it was statistics and hanging around today. A good way to spend the fist Saturday of the year. Sandy and I took a two mile walk in the afternoon south of Pipeline, I make my steps for every day this year! Both of them. Dinner was the teriyaki pork chops with baked potatoes and…