Author: aron

  • Rewind – Surgery Day

    I spend the morning in my ER room with no sleep at all. Having to get up and take a leak with tubes and wires sticking out of me. And cold, I actually broke a veneer on tooth 7. It fractured and I’m a bit scared a piece may have gotten swallowed. I think it was around 6am they came and took me and the bed I was in upstairs so I could get ready for surgery. I have never put on a surgical gown and it didn’t come with instructions so I had to call for help.

    They took me down about 7:15am, I was scheduled for 7:30am but others went first. I was parked in pre-surgery with nothing to do but listed to the activity around me. I was parked in a cubby with the curtin drawn and lights out. Every occasionally someone would peek in on me to check. Across the way, there was a conversation about a colonoscopy, next cubby to me there was a guy, talking to a doctor. I watched the digital clock on the wall tick off the time, 7:45, 8:00 then 8:06 and they opened the curtain and said it was time.

    The nurse said she had some ‘champaine for the brain’ and injected it into my line… That was it…

    I have a brief recollection of waking up in a warehouse on the bed with a mask on thinking I couldn’t breathe, I faded in and out of consciousness. The next thing I remember I was back in my room and Sandy was there then out again. Woke up and Cortney was there and doctors coming in and talking and me talking but I have no recollection what was said. It was reminicent of a blackout and not fun.

    After finally coming to in the afternoon, I didn’t have any energey and they kept pumping drugs and IV’s and giving me pills and taking blood and vitals. Unfortunately because of the environment and the bed and everything else, there would be no sleep for me this night and I sadly watched as my cell phone dropped into the single digits for charge and then die. I had neglected to bring a charger cable and although Sandy would be bringing me one in the morning. This overnight would be spent with only a TV whose channels I didn’t know and the nurses checking on me and my thoughts. Sigh…

  • Rewind – Pain Day

    So this is a flashback so I remember the next couple of days.

    I woke up this morning after a really bad nights sleep. I could tell that I was running a fever because of the chills and insomnia. I had Sandy get me the thermometer but temperature was normal. My stomach didn’t feel right, I wasn’t hungry or thirsty. I just felt yucky. And the pain was steadily increasing throughout the day localized to the abdomen and there was the pain in the lower right quadrant.

    So after laying around all day, not eating and not drinking, I decided if nothing else I should at least try to hydrate and had Sandy get me a bottle of water from the fridge. I cracked it open and downed half of it (8oz) in fairly short order and then hell came to visit. The pain washed over me like a wave and I was driven to my knees. All of a sudden I started sweating profusely and was extremely hot.

    And that was it, I had pre-investigated where I could go to an emergency room and Medical City Richland Hills it was. So at 10pm on Wednesday we made our way to the emergency room. My first trip to the ER that wasn’t my fault. No accident, no overdose, just a condition.

    Got there and were the first in line and they got me right in. I’m not sure of the timing but it was in short order that they took me for a CT scan and what seemed like just minutes it was read and I was on the schedule for surgery in the AM…

  • Sometimes I’m Just Not That Bright…

    I’ve been complaining about having to do dev work on a MS Surface laptop because I’m used to 6 monitors. I did get a port replicator and I can add up to 3 monitors but it’s not working well. Even went so far as to order HDMI switches. And then it came to me, why am I not RDP’ing into the Surface from my dev box and use all the monitors. And that’s how it got fixed.

    The floor is just about done, the hard cuts are done and it’s just laying the closet floor to finish. We’ve got the paint for the trim so I need to work on that but I’ll knock the floor out tomorrow and then switch to the edging. It’s getting close.

    I went on my usual bike ride this afternoon and stopped in at the rec center to get a soda but it ate my money. I’m having that kind of week. Oh well, if that’s the worst thing that happens I’ll consider myself lucky.

  • First Day Disasters

    So as I was working with the issued hardware, I managed to miss the introductory meeting with one of the other computer geeks at the company. I mean I changed the time zone and Office 365 didn’t update until I shut it down and brought it back up, at which point it said you’re going places, should we update your timezone… Bastard…

    Oh well, they were cooler than I was about it and we’ll meet tomorrow. Just bugs the begeezus about of me that I’d screw something like that up. It’s like when I mis-order online… I personally think it’s a senior moment and don’t think there’s a damn thing that I can do about it. Boy this getting old isn’t fun.

  • Lazy Sunday

    I think every Sunday is a lazy Sunday as I rarely to never get anything done even though there’s stuff to do. I got the kitchen cleaned and I’m about to attack laundry. I need to clean so that I can work on computer geek things during the week. I still need to finish the floor but it may bleed into next weekend.

    I did have some rum last night and it just served to remind me that I’m just not a drinker any more. My body just doesn’t metabolize it the way it used to. It’s for the best of course, it’s just plain unhealthy to drink on the level that I used to. Once every couple of months is enough for me I guess.

    Off to get more done, make it a great one everybody!!!

  • Art Goggle & Dead Zone

    It was a busy 15k step day today. We went to the Magnolia art festival. We drove to moms and then biked down to the festival, actually locked the bikes up by the Chat Room which I haven’t been to in years, I think John may have been in the band playing bass which sounds right, I looked around for Meg but didn’t rightly see her. I should have asked because I may be making up the fact that they are even involved in the place since the last time I saw them in 13/14, hope they are well.

    Talked to my old friend Doug today, good to catch up. Then Sandy and I watched the Dead Zone. The old 1983 version. It was good and about how I remembered it. Another good day and life is still good.

  • TGIF

    While I’ve always liked Friday’s, it’s nice to actually have a part time job to take a break from. Both hours of the week were tiring LOL. We’re going to go to art goggle tomorrow and there’s also a music festival going on. We’re planning on taking the bikes and going over to my sisters and then bike down to the festivities. We’ll see how that works out, it’ll be beyond packed I’m sure.

  • Changing Ideas

    I remember when I bought my first house here in Texas. When doing lawn maintenance I always tried to use the mulching feature to recycle the nutrients back into the soil. That got me a thatched lawn. While mulching may be a thing in some places, you need rain to break down the clippings and we don’t have that down here. So now I bag clippings and leaves and such and off it goes to the landfill. While I’m not happy I’m not recycling it, at least it may be assisting the landfill in composting garbage.

  • Visit to the Dentist

    I had a visit at 8am this morning, not a great way to start the day, I need crown/caps on two molars way in the back so they basically have to invert you and drill while spraying water down your throat. I think that’s as close to water boarding that I care to get.

    I have temporary caps on and it should be two weeks to get the permanent ones. I’ll be happy when they are on and this is behind me. I really need to get that one missing tooth replaced but that will come in time.

  • Break From the Heat

    It’s half way through October and we’re finally going to get a break from the heat. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 70 which is 25 or so degrees lower than it was today. It’s always so hot down here that the standard dress is shorts and a t-shirt. I’m not even sure that I have a pair of pants that fit and when I do wear jeans I’m always pissed because there aren’t enough pockets.