Category: Life in General

  • And A Cold Front Arrives

    I made hey when the sun was shining yesterday and the day before that by washing and polishing the vehicles. Today a cold front moved through, nothing major but it cooled it down. We managed to make it to the store to provision ourselves for the camping trip this weekend. $150 and it wasn’t really…

  • Wax On / Wax Off

    I’ve been lucky enough to have a light schedule at work and today and yesterday we broke records for the high temperature, 84 yesterday and 85 today. So taking advantage of the temporarily pleasant side effect of global warming I decided to wash and wax (polish) the Xterra and Truck. I got the Nu Finish…

  • Welcome to 2023

    It’s been a while since I blogged and there’s been a lot happening. Now that the holiday’s are behind us I’ll hopefully get into more of a schedule when it comes to putting down my thoughts and memories. Mom is fine, getting better day by day. We went camping and managed to head to NYE…

  • Hospital Time

    So I got the news yesterday that mom fell. Grrr, I now know the frustration every parent has felt at some point when the kid does something stupid and the parent is like ‘what the fuck were you thinking, why did you do that’, it’s just now I’m saying it to my mom. Oh well,…

  • Horizon – Forbidden West Completed

    It’s always sad when you complete/finish a video game you’ve been really into. I bought a PS5 with Horizon – Forbidden West when I still had about 4 to 6 months left of school and that was going to be my graduation gift to myself. Horizon – Zero Dawn was the first game I played…

  • New Phone & Laptop Battery

    Notice that a watch isn’t mentioned because they still don’t know when I’m going to get it. I ordered it from Samsung, you think the manufacturer would know how many they have and how long it would take to get to you but noooo, they can’t seem to figure that one out so I just…

  • Cafe Cali Completed

    So we have our outdoor homeless kitty that doesn’t want to be an indoor cat and I’ve been meaning to make a cat house that she can use for the winter as well as a place for her feeder and heating pad. So last weekend I got a sheet of T111 and made it happen.…

  • Lazy Saturday

    So about 10 am this morning I decided I was running to Aldi to get milk and a few things so I jumped in the Xterra and did it. I’m always so amazed at myself for being able to do things like that, I just don’t like dealing with people and being close to the…

  • Black Friday 2022 Edition

    Well we actually went to the mall complex and shopped, just the outside. Did get my steps and maybe the knee is getting back to normal??? It was a nice day and got laundry in progress and cleaning done.

  • Frigging Diesel

    So I decided to fill up because, well I needed to move the ficus into the garage and I needed to move the truck so off to the Walmart I go, I start filling up and it’s going slow, and it’s cold so I naturally get into the truck while the fuel pumps at a…