Category: Life in General

  • Paying off the Truck

    So as I was peeking at finances this weekend one account actually grew to more than a loan account meaning I’m paying off the truck this week. I would be paying it off today but it’s a federal holiday. So tomorrow I’ll head over to BOA and end my 8-month relationship with them. Nothing against…

  • Happy Fathers Day

    It’s fathers day today. Oddly enough if my math is right the last time I saw my dad awake and alive was 10 years ago. My sister and I met him at his house for fathers day lupper (lunch/supper). We had filet and we had to go get a pan to cook it in at…

  • Happy 4/20

    Tip of the hat to the counter-culture that’s gone pretty mainstream, to all those with sunshine in a bag, puff puff pass;) Reminding me of my college days:)

  • Car Follies Part 2 (truck follies)

    So for some reason, I get it in my brain today to throw the bikes in the back of the truck, and let’s head down to Gateway Park and do some biking. All of that was fine and well and we did half an hour of biking and loaded up the bikes and headed back…

  • Sorta Sad Day

    Today my friend Tony is being buried. Elsewhere today my friend Mike and his family are laying his dad to rest. While death is a natural part of life, it’s not one of the more fun aspects of it. The finality of the loss of a living being you have memories and history and love…

  • Death of a friend

    It was an emotional roller coaster of a day. Aside from being backlogged at work and it’s time to get hours in for the last month, the cats had their first vet appointment in about 4 years so they had the full workup and were not happy about it. We got that done and I…

  • And Life Goes On

    It was a good day today. I hung out with Adrian last night and met up with him and Ronda and her mom at church to give them a hand cleaning stuff out. It was good to get out and talk to people and help. Adrian lamented that the church population is actually contracting and…

  • Car follies

    I feel bad. I finally talked Sandy into washing her car and she scrubbed a little too hard trying to get one of the stickers off her car and it left a pretty bad mark. I feel like I should have been a little more on top of that but I also don’t feel like…

  • Caught a Raccoon

    We’ve kind of adopted a calico cat that kind of moved in under the shed after I built it, we named her Cali because, well it took no work. We’ve even built a little hutch for her to winter in and it stores the auto feeder and camera we affectionately call the cat house cam.…

  • Last January Weekend

    It’s still amazing to me how quickly time is moving as I get older. 2023 is off and running and January is already over. I was over at Adrian’s for his birthday dinner and was saying my goodbyes and told Rick I’d see him at men’s breakfast and he said see you next weekend, I…