Author: aron

  • Tree Cutting

    I hate cutting trees, only because I they take so long to grow and I really like trees. But as discussed yesterday, it’s time for a change. So we spent the day taking out the old and getting ready for the new. I thought that 16 trees would be way too many but now I…

  • Arborvitae Have Arrived

    Lots of years ago we tried to put fruit trees on the north fence line in the backyard. Every year we had high hopes as they grew and got green and even some initial fruit. But always a disappointment. So we decided that a green wall back there is the way to go and bought…

  • Adrian’s Birthday

    Although it was technically last Sunday, we all got together to celebrate Adrian’s birthday today. It also happens to be Hanna’s boyfriend’s (Mike) birthday. I didn’t realize that but it makes sense, I’ve already called it that Mike and Hanna are going to get married and his birthday falls on the same as her dad…

  • Hurray for Fridays!

    I’m not sure why but even though I’m in between jobs, I’m always happy it’s Friday. I guess that’s fine as I still have the Sunday blues even though I have no reason to dread Monday’s at this particular point. It looks like I’m going to be helping out my old job with some simple…

  • A Dying Friend

    A young lady I worked with 3 jobs ago is dying. I accepted a friend request from her maybe 9 months ago and was a bit shocked to find out she was undergoing chemotherapy. At the time I didn’t pay much attention, she was young (a couple or so years younger than I) and was…

  • New Foliage

    Sandy took off for WinStar and left me to my own devices. LOL, that just means that I don’t have to be quite when I wake up at 3am and start on the computer. I did get some yard work done. I kind of got happy that I got the leaves picked up and remembered…

  • Job Searching & Biking

    I finally think I have a system to start applying to jobs en masse. I created a share on the NAS and will have a main sheet to track applications and keep copies of the posting and what resume I sent. I really need to pay attention to what I’m sending out as I caught…

  • Playing Arborist & Socket Organization

    I really felt like doing nothing today when it started but I talked myself into doing some tree cutting. I should have taken before pictures but I don’t know that you’d be able to tell. The hard part about doing tree cutting is that in order for the trimmings to be picked up, you have…

  • Finding History

    So the internet is more than just news and new stuff. It’s a great archive of old stuff as illustrated by the Portal to Texas History hosted by the University of North Texas. As I was perusing the Fort Worth Gazette newspaper of Monday, June 22, 1891, and came across this gem: So crazy has…

  • Ghee – The Making of…

    So if you want the whole story, you can find it here where I got the recipe. It’s long and drawn out but let me answer the ‘why do this?’ and then we’ll do the short version of the recipe. Why Ghee? Well, it has a unique nutty taste and a high smoke point so…