So cleaning out the garage is a painfully slow process, to the point where you don’t know where to start, but I got the new shelves in for the garage and I can at least put things away to help clear the junk. Slowly but surely it’s taking shape.
2 weeks non-smoker
Extremely excited/grateful/happy to be a non smoker!!! I was on a walk this evening and my breathing was better, there wasn’t the burning pain that I’ve had before in the muscles. I’ll need to talk to the doc as I’m still on the high blood pressure meds but I’ve been monitoring my BP closely and my diastolic is averaging under 70 so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to knock that one out. Eating better will be my next step, here’s to better health and a longer life!
So federal taxes are due tomorrow, well for the rest of the US anyways. Here in Texas we have an extra month so when H&R Block asked me for a code sent to my cell phone, I just closed the browser. Jackasses expect me to get up and walk to my cell phone? I could have got it from my watch but didn’t think about that.
It did get me thinking though. Why is it that I have to file taxes? I’m not talking about paying taxes, you’ll never get out of that but why do I (every year) need to figure out which of the myriad of software packages to use, round up my and my spouses W4’s and band statements on interest… Doesn’t the IRS already have this?
Evidently I’m not the only one thinking about this, here’s a group that’s thinking about the same thing. But nothing is going to change as long as the tax preparation software companies are lining the pockets of elected officials.
More monitors
So in a previous post I mentioned that I’ve brought a couple of Linux workstations online. My old development box (quad core Intel i7 with 24Gb RAM and dual SSD drives) has been turned into a pretty slick Mint desktop. But I could only hook up 2 monitors, so I broke down and bought 4 new monitors and a x4 HDMI card and now I have a pretty neat Linux setup.
Furry people birthdays
Rocky and Sammy turn 3 today!!! I sang them happy birthday and enjoyed their confused looks, they didn’t seem to grasp the significance. We celebrated by not opening the curtains in the bedroom and sleeping all day, I know, a bit of a wasted day but it’s what they wanted. In any case a shout out to the HP for bringing them into my life, they are truly a joy!
Watched – Prometheus
Since I was a kid an curled up on the couch with dad watching Alien I’ve always loved the series, well mostly loved the series. Okay, I really liked the beginning of the series (read: first two movies) it seemed to go downhill from there. In this prequel we see a journey to find the alien ‘engineers’ in the 2090’s based on maps found in ancient earth caves throughout the world. A bit hard to swallow but okay.
Then they get there and decide to go exploring first thing, I was a bit shocked at how easily these folks remove their helmets, but they do. A storm comes, people get separated and general carnage ensues. While it sort of may look like a setup to Aliens there seems to be something missing, it doesn’t seem to set it up correctly. And I find the Fassbender extremely annoying but maybe that’s me. I’ll give it 2.5 out of 5 because I’m feeling generous.
Rainy Monday
The weather was cold and rainy today, which is honestly perfect for a Monday. So I got some work done and actually went for two walks today and made my steps. 8 days without a cigarette and I’m feeling pretty good about everything. The only hard times are first thing in the morning and after meals, still a twinge now and then but nothing I can’t handle.
So when Shelly was here for Cinco De Mayo, we made tacos, I swear taco meat is greatness, reheats wonderfully and can be used in tacos, burritos, salads, or in the case of tonight’s entree, taco baked potatoes (yes there’s a potato under there) yum!!! -
Happy Mothers Day!
I think we all think we have the best mom, why wouldn’t we, deep down I think each of us individually has the best mom because let’s face it, no one will love us more than our moms. The true definition of unconditional love.
My one true hope is that I’ve made up for all the hurt and concern my actions have caused. The path that god has me on was to finish strong after a shaky start, sorry about that mom:)