I’m still sometimes baffled about what I can do when I set my mind to it. The email server is back up and running as well as it was before. Oddly enough this was fixed basically by overwriting what was already there from a default install with backups. I used Meld on my Mint desktop to connect in and compare files in the live RHEL vs the legacy Fedora that it replaced. I’m still not sure how it all comes together but even the TLS is working. Now I can get around to moving the users to a DB so things like changing passwords will work properly. Still need to speed up WP but I’ve got leads and am working on it.
Server Upgraded, WP Still Slow
Well I did get the server RAM upgraded to 64GB and I’ve seen some impressive speed increases when it comes to Cockpit but that’s about it, I’m still seeing some major lag on the WordPress sites. I’ll need to figure out what is going to with WordPress and I still need to get email up and running. I had hoped it would be just a drop in but I just haven’t had a chance to pay attention to get it running properly. Missing saslauthd or something like that. Oh well, it’s okay, I’m happy with the drives and memory upgrade, it’ll last me another 5 years as the home-based Linux server.
On My Own
I’m all by myself this weekend, that’s a good thing, gives me a chance to just chill by myself and geek out. I got the 64 GB of ram for my T30 server and it works!!! Still didn’t speed up my word press instances but quadrupling the ram is never a bad thing. This will allow for the use of virtual machines and pods/dockers if I can ever figure that out. I speced out a new T40 and they come with 8GB of ram and you can add another 8 for $200 more, so it’s $1400 to get to 64GB, it cost me $333 and I was pissed about that. Oh well, it’s upgraded and I probably won’t have to do anything more for another 5 years hopefully.
Another Taste of Winter…
Middle of March and tomorrow it’s going to be a high of 38 and a low of 28, that’s not what we’re used to seeing in the middle of March. Sandy is taking off for the Springs tomorrow, I’m not sure that’s going to work because as crumby as it will be here it’ll be worse on the way there. We’ll see how it goes.
Mom came for lunch today, it was nice, we went to the Brookside cafe, it’s usually pretty good but Sandy’s pot roast was cold. Mom and I had the rise and shine and it was good. Mom brought cheesecake too, it was a nice surprise. Need to remember to take pictures when we’re out like that. That’s why I bought the camera I did after all…
Hump Day
We made it halfway through the week. Work is beginning to pick up and it looks like it will be that way through the rest of the 2nd quarter. This is primarily because other companies are dropping support for the ATS, but any news is good news.
Funeral for a Friend
A guy I worked with at PDS passed away about a week ago. I can’t say I knew Olin Oliver well, he worked in the financial department and he got in super early as did I so we talked occasionally in those early morning hours. We didn’t see eye to eye politically and I had snoozed him for 30 days at the beginning of the year but that had passed and I saw a post about two weeks ago of him and his wife out at an event. The next thing I knew I got a FBM from Regina saying he had passed. Still not sure of what. He was 59 and spent 42 of those years married to the love of his life Debbie. I’m sad to say I learned more about him after he passed than when he was alive, it would have been good to learn that from him when he was alive to tell me.
Rest in peace my friend, I’m sorry I didn’t get to know you better and I pray for comfort for those you left behind, those whose life won’t be the same without you. You left a beautiful legacy.
Cold Spell
Haven’t posted in a bit, I’ll work on that. But I’ve been keeping busy. There’s a cold spell in these parts, we’ll be freezing in the overnights until Monday. Right now it’s wanting to rain and then freeze tonight, so not fun. Winter in Texas is painful for the simple fact we just don’t have enough of it to be ready for it. There’s no nice snowfall that gently fills the fields, it’s usually an ice storm, and everything that’s close to a bridge (like half the roads) freezes. I remember snow in PA, I guess with a lot fewer people and the equipment to clear the roads and a little common sense, it wasn’t all that bad. Too many people, no common sense, and sparse equipment make for bad winter events here.
Sunday Project
I got a new antenna post and put it up, it’s 16’9″ long and light as all get out. But with the extra height, it crumpled the supports I had mounted for the use of the PVC mast. They don’t sell anything locally so I had to go on Amazon and get them, it’s a casted offset, and with two of them mounted on a couple of lagged in 2×4’s it seems really sturdy, I don’t think I’ll have an issue unless the mast breaks.
Whoo Hoo
Yes, it’s been a week since I posted but what a week. The new server is up and running I’m happy to say. There’s part of me that’s lamenting that I just didn’t get a new server, they have Amazon reconditioned that are like $1200 with a kick-ass processer and dual power supply and not much else. I would really like to know what happens to decommissioned servers from the Google cloud or AWS, we should be able to buy them on the cheap. In any case, RHEL 8.5 is installed and the new drives are in and working great. RHEL installation used all available space for the XFS, not sure how I feel about that but it’s a done deal. Also finally gave in and blew $200 for 64 GB of ECC memory, should be in next Friday. That will allow for proper virtualization. I do love hosting my own server, it’s a dying art though but it makes me happy so I’ll keep it up. Have the main websites up, just need to get the ancillary ones running and the mail, that’ll be a PITA but I’ve got the old configuration, still need to install fail2ban also. Never a dull moment.
The new camera system is in and running, I did all the wiring myself. My one regret is I didn’t do POE when I first put in a system when I moved in 10 years ago. Running the cat5 was so much easier than the other BNC or RJ12 BS, I used termination boxes so it’s all modular, still need to clean up the wiring closet but damn it looks good and the cameras are sharp, even Sandy has a login and is enjoying the new capability. And the coup de Graz is the Lorex smart doorbell which is hardwired. Super thrilled about that as it’s one less device to worry about batteries. Just need to figure out the indoor notification.
Love me some Friday
I’m happy today, things went well at work, I got the new fiberglass extending antenna pole and managed to get it mounted, much less sway than with the PVC it replaced. And it added another 6 feet or so. No new channels though but I’m hoping it will stabilize some of the wavy channels.
Also got my new pants from Duluth Trading Company today also, they fit really well, they may be a little long but they fit really well and I’m happy with them. Sandy said they’re old man’s clothes. Now I’ve never been a dedicated follower of fashion but I know what I look good in and these don’t look bad. I felt like I wanted to be seen.
Also made it to the eye doctor, so I’ve got a prescription for computer glasses, long-distance glasses, and contacts not I have to try to find the best price on them. I got daily wear contacts for a change, hopefully, I’ll be able to take better care of my eyes with the glasses and contacts.