Computer Upgrade Time

My development rig lost 16GB of ram, it’s so super rare for RAM to go bad but after moving all the 8 DIMMS around, I figured out which pair is causing the issue. So it’s time to replace a couple of DIMMs to get back to 64GB and while I’m at it, let’s go ahead and put in a TPM chip so we’re ready for Windows 11 and (while the patient is open) let’s upgrade the hard drive to a 2TB Samsung PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD

We live in an amazing time that these just show up the next day. I’ve installed the RAM and I found out they now apparently have LEDs on the memory, I have no idea why but at least they modules are the same as the others. More unneeded lights sigh…

Digging out the Windows 10 Pro installation media and will start clean over the weekend so when Monday comes there will be a bunch of re-installations but should be screaming fast.