Leaf Clean Up
Well today was good day, it started off well enough, I pulled out the leaf vac and was cleaning up the front beds, watered the shrubs and then spiked them with a fertilizer spike. They’re beginning to come in pretty good but heck they’ve been in there for 4 years now. Some slight drama at…
Pavers 1st Move Finished!!!
So the pavers are complete, a scant 2 weeks after they were dropped off. Oh well, it was never about speed, this is a slow progress but high quality. So now that we have the back yard work area ready, the next steps are, repair air compressor, order tools, order materials, build. Stay tuned for…
Permit Acquired
This should be a celebrated moment in my adulthood! I actually got a permit to build the shed! Now mind you the only reason I went to the trouble with this is because the shed is on the back of the property and there’s an easement back there and I wasn’t sure how far away…
Lumberjack Day
I’ll be the first to tell you I HATE removing trees and shrubs. It has nothing to do with the labor, it’s easier than moving the friggin bricks and it’s fun to play with chainsaws. It’s the fact that it’s green vegetation and I love trees. But in the name of progress and reclamation of…
More Bricks
As I was hauling more of these it occurred to me that they are going to have to be moved again, alas but only one more time. And I’ll have a skid steer to load and move them then. But I’m down to two pallets left so we’ve past half way mark. I’ll eventually get…
Pavers Are Heavy…
The biggest problem with actually having the materials for the home improvement project is that you have to start the project. So the pavers are going to be placed in the back yard and used as staging area for the building of the new shed. Yeah the grass is going to be dead but after…