Author: aron

  • The Thaw Begins

    Snow doesn’t last very long around here and we’re glad to see it go. I did take a few snaps to prove it happened. We got cleaning done today. It looks good but I still have to do the office. It was nice to just hang around the house for the day and it’s always nice to have a clean house.

  • Thousand Natural Shocks That Flesh is Heir to

    Maybe the stress of the holidays catch up to people in the new year. My niece by marriage is having a rough go of it. She has a 13 month old and is hitting a wall of her own making. She’s had a method of dealing with stress but that method actually incurs more stress and it finally caught up with her. I’ve had some rough spots of my own making and it’s hard to watch someone else do it because it’s so clear to those outside of the situation what the issue is. But in the middle of the cyclone she’s in she can’t see what’s what.

    General is having the same issue, must just be something about this time of the year. I talked with General for about an hour today. I can vouch for our sanity. It’s Friday and the slush is melting but the sky’s cleared and it’s dropping to 21 tonight for a low. Then it’ll be gone over the weekend. The winter storm has run it’s course. With any luck there’s nothing more to come.

  • Sigh… They Moved It

    So I know a couple of months ago I started complaining about the linking of items in a gallery. Well I found out it’s still around but it was moved to the task bar for the block.

    So here are some pictures with the light box feature!!!

  • Storm Downgraded

    Well instead of 4 to 8 inches of the fluffy white stuff, we’re due for 1 to 3 inches of slush that will ice overnight. No where near as pretty. The rush at Walmart was crazy. I got a couple of gallons of milk and a loaf of bread. But the lines were crazy. Especially since they redid it so there’s no way to properly queue. Loud audible sigh.

    Other than that, the laptop showed up for the new gig. Looks like that starts on Monday. The computer is all set up and ready to go.

    I got the lights (Slip and VDC) to turn off on the Xterra. What I wrote in my blog worked, shut it off then drive backward for about 100 yards. I think the clockspring is going bad again. I’ve read to only use OEM for that and I may have to do that because the horn isn’t working again. Although they don’t require safety checks anymore so I’ve got that going for me.

  • Something New

    We got our garbage picked up for the first time this year and in two weeks. I almost felt they forgot about us and the street was looking pretty bad considering it’s been since before Christmas that we had a pickup. Happy that’s cleaned up before the possible snow on Thursday.

    So the something new is I’m drinking a lot more. Water that is. I’m gunning for the 64oz (8 x 8oz glasses) a day. And I’m trying to get that in by early afternoon to give it time to percolate through the system. Hopefully this will prevent being parched in the evening and the over consumption of liquid in the pre-bedtime hours. The goal being a more restful nights sleep because hydration took place earlier in the day.

    Also did a 15 minute mile relatively early today. That knocked out about half of my requirements and I picked up the other half around three just ambling around the house. I like it since it sets the tone of the day and gets your body moving, endorphins are a great way to wake up.

    It looks like the hardware for the new gig is on its way. Should be here tomorrow hopefully. I’m hoping that things shake out well for this endeavor.

  • Monday Down

    Today went by rather quick. I’m not going to complain about that. The temperature has peaked out at 40 degrees. The low was down to 21 or so. The furnace in the RV was kicking on but I turned it off. We drained everything so maybe the toothpaste and shampoo freeze but the infrastructure will be fine.

    This is technically just the beginning. Cold, as miserable as it is, isn’t really the issue unless you’re talking about frozen pipes. Thursday brings a chance of precipitation and this is where things go south as the saying goes. They’re actually calling for 3 to 6 inches at this point. This will shut down the city as we don’t have snow removal equipment and bridges everywhere. The majority of 8 million people will be on a snow day. But time will tell on that, they do like to over hype the weather. We’re prepped for it for sure, lots of propane and gas. If the power went out, we could put the inverter in the shed and let it run with an extension cord coming in to power the furnace will keep the house warm. We can also fire up the heater in the RV and live pretty large out there but there’s no water and bath room out there. So that’s actually better if there’s a power outage in the summer.

    On another pleasant note, it turns out the vast majority of the Stars games are streaming for free. There’s a Victory+ streaming app that has all the games except for nationally televised ones. Between that and the discovery of the Maverick’s channel, we’re good on sports for the next couple months even if the watchability of the sports are less than that of football. Makes me wonder if I’ve just missed the baseball channel. Surely America’s pass time is still free over the air somewhere.

  • And the Bottom Drops Out

    Of the thermometer anyways. When I woke up it was like 60 and it’s already dropped to 43. It’s kind of exciting because it’s been a while since there was a cold snap. We baked an apple pie (frozen) this morning, it’ll be out of the oven in about 5 minutes and have time to cool for dessert this evening. We partitioned the ground beef we got food shopping yesterday into 6 burgers and 2 meatloaf’s. We had burgers for dinner last night, meat loaf tonight and I froze a meatloaf to vacuum seal for later. Maybe sloppy Joe’s with 3 of the burgers. I like having the options when it’s cold like this.

    I finished the last items that I wanted to get done before the freeze. I put a cover on the front faucet. Got the ficus inside, the thing is huge and barely fits in the laundry room now. I even wrapped up the cat house with a moving blanket that was scheduled to be thrown out, I believe it actually stays warm in there now. I think Cali has moved on or has another place because she just hasn’t been around. The other cat with white paws shows up more than she does now, we’re naming him Snowy. Because he has snowy feet. Haven’t seen him at all during the day so not sure what color he is, looks gray under the IR light.

    The Cowboys are wrapping up their disappointing season today playing the Commanders at home. They look mediocre at best. The problem is that they always look like that. Year after year it’s the same. The Commanders were bag on your head bad last year and now they’re playoff bound. The Cowboys are playing golf.

    Life is good today, I’ve got a smile on my face and feel good about what I’ve got done over the weekend. This week promises to be interesting to say the least.

  • Productive Day

    For some reason I woke up at 4am and didn’t go back to sleep. But damn I got a lot done. It started off with a trip up to top off the Xterra and get 10 gallons of gas. While I was there I exchanged a propane cylinder so I think I have 5 full and 2 half full. I decided to forgo the generator testing. I know it’ll work if needed. And that should wrap up my energy gathering prior to the cold snap moving in tomorrow night.

    We also went food gathering this morning. I mean we were at the super Walmart at like 6:30am. The only other people shopping were the employees. We bought a ton, well $180 worth of food. But that’s 5lbs of ground beef, lasagna for 8, 2lbs of lunch meat, and frozen fruit. So we’re all set for the next couple of weeks with just jaunts for small stuff. Hopefully we’ll still be getting deliveries over the cold snap but it it rains at all for the next 10 days and freezes overnight you may as well call it a day. The roads shut down and even tire chains would be questionable. Speaking of which we need to get some of those for the truck.

    After that I shuffled off to men’s breakfast at church. It was good to see Adrian and Mike there. I’ve been going to that long enough that I can hold my own in a conversation with most of the folks there.

    Then I got home and knocked out the crowning achievement of the day which was to knock out the garage. Now we have the truck parked in the west bay, Sandy’s car in the east bay and the Xterra in front of the truck. I still have enough room and it looks great. Now I can work on getting the truck back to showroom now that it’s hangered.

  • Finally Friday

    For a week with a day off in the middle it sure felt like a double week. Not 100% sure why either. In any case it’s over even if it doesn’t feel like a Friday. Work on the old project is wrapping up, not sure what’s up with the new project. That’s life.

    I’m going to try to make it to men’s breakfast at church tomorrow. It will be a nice start to the day and I can get the garage knocked out tomorrow. Then I just have to baton down the hatches for the upcoming cold snap. Already put covers over the clean out plug and spigot in the back. Have to do the front one and bring plants in. I’ll try to weather proof the cat house a little better also. Then I’ll finish up the back room when the temperature drops next week.

    I’ve started playing in depth with VS code and it’s got a bunch of bells and whistles that I’m just finding out about. Including AI code generation from Amazon Q and Microsoft Co-pilot. The code it writes is really well written, traps errors and everything. It could be a boon for education because progress can be made in short order.

    Bacon and eggs for dinner tonight, that’ll be two breakfasts in a row come tomorrow.

  • Days Fly By

    Second day of the year and it’s shaping up to be one of those years. It did feel a hell of a lot like a Monday. Some things got off track to begin with but they shaped up after a bit of wrangling. The morning blew by, then I jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes @ 4 MPH. I think the treadmill is harder than the gym, at the gym you can speed up and slow down your pace with the music or at your whim. The treadmill don’t play that. 4 MPH is going to stay there until you change it so it’s more of a challenge to keep up. Probably why I’ve always liked it less but for some reason, the way it’s set up now with the other TV is better and nicer to walk. I keep saying that it’s good to go to the rec center because it’s social. But I’m not social. I know the name of one of the workers. And only one of the other guests. I’m wasting time going to and from when I can just jump on and be done in 30 minutes. Need to start with the weights too. Gotta get rid of the spare tire too.

    I made it out to Bronco’s for lunch. Took forever and they got the wrong fries but it was good and I left full. Got some more work in the garage, we’ll have the truck and car in there this weekend. Which is good because we’re getting a blast of winter starting on Sunday and lasting throughout the week with lows down to 19 on Thursday a week from today.

    I’m trying to wonder if I can handle living in temps like that for months on end. I think I can, it would be fun if I had property. I need to examine that though. David had decided to downsize. He’s only got 3.5 acres and I’m looking at minimum of 10. He’s 9 years older. I don’t know. I think he may be thinking of being closer to medical care. I guess a triple by-pass will do that to you. I haven’t had one of those but the appendectomy sure got my attention. How quickly could I have gotten to an emergency room had I lived in the middle of no where.