Author: aron

  • Enhanced Box Cake

    So I like cake, and being an adult I can make it whenever I want. Now I know some people who wouldn’t have a boxed cake in their house to save their lives, I’m not one of them. Boxed cakes are a great place to start but you have to rev it up a bit so it doesn’t taste like, well, a boxed cake. So here’s what you do:

    • The only directions to note are that whatever the back of the box directs you to use, you have to:
    • Add an additional egg.
    • Replace the water with milk, same amounts.
    • Replace the oil with melted butter. DOUBLE the amount.
    • Cook with the same directions that are printed on the box.

    I’m still doing store-bought icing but I think there’s a lot of room to learn on that front.

  • Signing Day

    Today is the day, the house on Billie Ruth is gone. I’ll walk away with enough to pay off Bedford Ct and I’ll trade two mortgages for one property paid in full.

    I guess looking back over the last 15 years I’ve owned it, I’ve only really lived there 2 years, the rest of the time it was empty or a rental. I guess I could have kept it for a rental but the neighbors to the south, ugh. Oh well. Supposedly it went to a woman buyer which means it will I left it as I found it when I bought it from my sister. It will clean up really nicely and a privacy fence on the south property line will fix it up well. It sold for $210k and I think I bought it for $88k and now I own the house I bought for $120k and it’s work $300k…

    Now I just need the price of land to bottom out like my stock picks and we’re good to go!

  • Last Monday of the Year

    I guess that would be a good thing if there weren’t any more scheduled for next year but I don’t believe that’s the case.

    Went for a walk today to see the progress on the Hurstview bridge. Slowly coming along. Sandy said she couldn’t believe how long it was taking but I was thinking since there’s a quick detour and it’s not vitally important that it stays open, why not take your time, it’s not an emergency.

    Beautiful weather today, 80 and sunny, just what you expect for December 27th LOL.

    In other grimmer news, Grace has Covid. I was like oh no, they’re vaccinated right? Wrong, that whole crew isn’t vaxed. Ugh, you can’t fix stupid and I’m happy the stupid are dying, I just don’t want family to be stupid, dead, I meant dead…

  • Christmas Weekend

    Well, Christmas 2021 is over, it was nice.

    Christmas Eve (12/24)

    We stayed at home, nothing much going on until going over to sisters at 5:30pm to have dinner. Her friend Alean was there and so were Mom and Ron, it was really good, we had beef tenderloin roast and it was really good. We got to see Charolette the cat and the poor thing is so old. Still loves being picked up. We finished the evening by heading downtown and taking our picture at the Christmas tree in Sundance Square.

    Christmas Day (12/25)

    Decided to take the RV up to David’s and hang out up there for a day. It’s nice to go up there because we can just hook up and when leaving the state part is half a mile up the road and has a dump station. David and Keli went to the Park’s house so when Sandy and I got there we were the only ones there, we set up and headed to the state part for a hike considering it was 80 degrees and beautiful. We hiked about 4 miles, go back and it wasn’t long before David, Keli, Claudia, Richard, and Jeff showed up. We hung out, ate and enjoyed the company and a fire. Also got to shoot David’s new 44 mag revolver, it would be hard to stay on target for a follow up shot but with that weapon if you hit it the first time there’s nothing left to hit.

  • Gassing Up

    So I’ve become worse at dealing with crowds, or maybe it’s just people. I did get completely out of my comfort zone on a recent trip to Sam’s club but I did it. But this morning is more my normal speed. 3 am is a great time to fill up the vehicles at the 24-hour pay-at-the-pump neighborhood Walmart. So $150 later and the Xterra is full and so are both tanks on the truck. Should be good to go for hauling the RV up to Davids for Saturday night.

  • Squeaky Chair

    So everything requires maintenance, well everything man-made anyways. My office chair squeaks, it didn’t when I first got it, but over time, it started to. I honestly didn’t notice until the other night when I did my usual get up in the middle of the night and get some work done, alone and the only one awake I heard it, and then I couldn’t hear anything else. I sprayed, lubed, and tightened but it still squeaked. So last night I took it into the garage and overdosed it with WD-40, that did the trick, and no squeak today. I guess the moral is to keep trying to fix the things you don’t like, you’ll eventually get it…

  • Winter Solstice

    The shortest day of the year is here, the start of winter, the winter solstice. While we know that the days will now start to get longer, who knows what the weather will prove to be. I’ve gone ahead and started stalking up while the sun is still shining. Exchanged 2 propane tanks the other day and I think that gives me 3 full and 3 partial, probably a month’s worth of heat in the RV. Hit Sam’s club today and picked up another 6 cases of water giving us 7 in rotational storage. And I’ll fill the gas tanks up on the truck and Xterra. The 50-gallon tank on the back of the truck would power the generator for about 7 days while running the RV so good to go there. Enough food to last a month, even if it is old beans and rice. Not sure what nature has in store this year but we’re as prepared as we can be.

  • Sunday Blues

    I’m not a huge fan of Sundays, it’s not that I have anything against the day on its own but its placement in the week means that it’s Monday’s predecessor and that’s enough to taint its usually good name.
    I actually read an article saying that this is a thing and was rather shocked as I believed I was the only one suffering this affliction. To celebrate this revelation I registered the domain name although I have yet to figure out what to do with it.
    I probably should have gone to the church musical today but I got up too late and I’m behind pretty big time on my studies so I’m going to hit the books and see if I can’t make up some time.

  • Old House Going

    I’m selling 1012, I’m not sure if I posted about this before but I’m finally parting ways with that property. The proceeds will pay off 712 and when I turn 50, I’ll owe nothing. The house, paid for. The Xterra, paid for. The RV, paid for. The truck, paid for…

    I’m sad to see the place go but what used to be a nice little place in the suburbs is going through pre-gentrification. That’s where all the old people that used to care about their places died and the block goes to hell. At least it’s going to a family instead of becoming a rental, I went through pains for that and I hope it’s helped someone start building a life.

    What’s really sad to see is how hard it’s become for the younger folks to buy a house, close to impossible around here. This is going to have long term ramifications because buying a house allows you to build passive wealth. Had I not bought 1012 15 years ago there’s no possible way I could be thinking about retirement.

  • Hump Day

    We had our company Christmas party today, it was online so it wasn’t all that bad. Still feel that I’m terribly lacking in social skills but that’s just me. Some really gut-punch news in that one of my co-workers has a cancer diagnosis. The last time that happened was Nancy at PDS lord rest her soul. I’ll keep good thoughts and hope for the best for her. What else can I do.