Author: aron

  • Xterra Inspected/Registered

    The Xterra is due for inspection/registration by the end of the month so I headed up to the corner inspection station, it’s always hit or miss there, sometimes you just drive right in but they always seem to have a bunch of cars there like there’s a wait so I’m never quite sure. It costs $25.50 for the inspection, then you have to go register on the state website, which is $73.75.
    So the total administrative fee for a year on the Xterra is $98.25. This of course is leaving out the insurance which they check, and that’s a chunk of change.

    But I have to admit that getting your vehicle inspected and registered here in Texas is a whole world better than what they do in Pennsylvania. I used to dread inspections up there because state inspection stations try (and succeed) in forcing you to get repairs by their whim. You can take the same car to 3 different stations and get three different reasons why it won’t pass inspection. I only had one vehicle fail inspection down here and it was for a burned-out bulb, fixed in under 5 minutes for under $5.

  • Eye Appoinment Aquired

    I made an appointment to get my eyes checked, my eyes are actually getting better but the problem with that is my prescription is changing and it’s hard to keep up with. So now I’m wearing my contacts but I can see the monitor screens without having reading glasses on which makes it impossible to just wear glasses and give my eyes a break from contacts because then I have to wear my glasses and readers and while I can make it work, it’s no fun wearing two pairs of glasses. I need to take some pictures and measurements so I can covey what it’s like at work for me.

  • Casual Sunday

    It wasn’t a bad Sunday at all. Had the test for a course at 11:30 this morning, gave me time to cram a bit before the test. I was sure I failed, I passed. To celebrate we went to Olive Garden, they were kind of busy for 3:30 in the afternoon but there wasn’t a real wait. We got the $5 take home also so we’re eating OG for the next two days at least. Trying to finish up January’s hours, just need to do that before AR gets in tomorrow morning.

    Also tomorrow I’m going on a schedule, up at 7 and on the treadmill. I can watch TV and walk as I wake up. Have the HVAC all set to get things where they should be to do this. We’ll see how that goes.

  • The Melt Begins

    It crept above the freezing mark today. It was Friday but I didn’t feel like doing anything, I need to get hours in for last month and I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I can’t seem to get anything done. Hopefully, this too shall pass.

    Sandy had a fun day seeing what Cali was into last night on the cameras, evidently, our little piggy came for food several times throughout the night. I’m glad I gave her a login and showed her how to use the system, it makes me feel good to know she’s using it too and it’s not just for me.

    Sammy and Rocky have been sleeping all day but that’s what they do, love those little critters. I tried making meatloaf by temperature, I cooked it to 165 by probe but it still didn’t feel like it was cooked, I ate my portion but we had to cook it for another 30 minutes before it was good for Sandy. Guess we’ll cook it by time again next time.

  • Ick, Snow

    Not too much of it but any seems a bit too much. But at least they know to shut everything down instead of making the idiots get on the road. So it’s been a nice isolation period. We were worried about Cali but last night I peeked out to make sure the heating pad was still on and sure enough, a single line of paw prints led from the shed to the repurposed refrigerator. It seems little Cali figured out where the food was. She was safe and I felt better because of that.

  • It’s Getting Cold Out

    Well we were in shorts for Christmas but nature would appear to be back with a bit of a complaint, not really a vengeance. We’re getting a lot of rain but it’s now beginning to freeze and we’ll be under 32 for a couple of days and as low as 15 so they’re saying. We should be fine, it’s always kind of fun as long as you’re ready, we have 50 gallons of gas in the truck bed tank for the generator, 80 lbs of propane to heat the RV, 6 cases of bottled water and food for days.

    My only worry is Cali but we made her a heated feeding hut so hopefully she’ll use it.

  • Winter is on its way

    Well not much going on with work but there’s a pretty brutal storm heading this way. Nothing like we saw a year ago when it was -2, it’s only supposed to be 14 or so for this one. But we’re set. I went this morning to get $100 of gas so we’re all set to power the generator if needed. We’ve got at least 70 pounds of propane to heat the garage and the RV in case we need to move in there. We have 6 cases of bottled water and enough food to last a couple of weeks at least. I’m not a prepper but I am prepared! I even tore up the only dorm fridge to try to give Cali a warm place to eat. Bring it on!!!

  • One by One

    So we’ve got 7 cable runs and now 7 working cameras. The clarity is really good and I’m happy about where they’re sitting. Even have Sandy set up with a username and password so she can view them also. Now there’s just 5 more to do but like I said they’re on the bitch side of the attic. Maybe I can get someone to give me a hand with it hopefully.

  • More Progress

    So I got up and got to it, needed to run the last of the front wires. Took a bit of time to get the wire ready to pull but I did it. But I got into the attic and over the HVAC unit and felt the panic start to set in, I had to pull off the mask and try to get it under control, got the new wire, and grabbed it but I had ties of the south east cable to the existing and as I pulled it, it broke, ugh. so I managed to make it to the blue wire and pulled it finally came free and I managed to get both to the destination. Got out of there and there are 7 of 12 finished, two more runs that are on the backside, and the garage. I’m dreading the backside ones, just miserable getting back there.

    I got the southeast corner camera mounted and the DVR up and where it needs to be, the picture is pretty good. Put camera three in and nothing. It’s painful to terminate the ends and it’s been so long since I’ve done it I think I’m not doing them well. I’ll deal with it tomorrow, no need to kill myself with it.

    Sandy and I went to the grocery store today, she’s hard to shop with because it’s a lot of walking around and looking, not just getting and going. I felt like I’m in a race and she’s just lollygagging. Something seems off with her but I’m not sure what. She took a bath and was in bed at 7:40 pm, I note that because that’s a new record and early even by my standards.

  • Beautiful Day

    Slept in today, well I guess no more than usual. But I got up and made it to Harbor Freight and got a new cable puller, I need two for the camera project. Got another two runs finished. I wasn’t aware how much stuff we have above the garage in the attic, I had to dig a hole to get to the back to pull the cable. I’m down to 3 2 wire runs but they’re in the east of the house so a bitch to get to. Slowly but surely I’ll get it done.

    Made some biscuits and turned in a paper, also got the mason jars and the food saver attachment to vacuum seal the jars. It works great and I’m actively trying to figure out what else we can vacuum seal in the jars. Went for a walk to the gas station to get a red bull and completed my steps. All days except my birthday I’ve made my steps. I rock!