Author: aron

  • School Progress

    So school can be extremely difficult for me. If I’m not digging the class or assignment it’s easier to pull teeth than to make myself get it done. I’m happy to say I finally submitted my paper for one of those classes and with any luck starting my last non-computer class next week. I need…

  • More Linux Love

    So building on the email/imap server success. I’ve finally learned how to host multiple domains on Apache!!! Yes I know I haven’t reinvented the wheel and I’m pretty sure that I would have figured it out had I needed it earlier but still it’s bad ass to be able to do so. That in and…

  • Love me some Linux

    So everyone knows that Linux is the ultimate toy for computer geeks, it can do anything, do it well and do it free. It was a little over two years ago I broke down and bought a Dell PowerEdge T30. I know, it’s about as entry level as you can get. 8Gb of RAM and…

  • New Chop Saw

    So we’re doing some work in the spare bedroom closet and I needed a way to cut a long board in equal length pieces for shelving. Yes I could have done it free hand with a circular saw or jig saw but for truly professional cuts, you want a miter saw, or even better a…