New Battery for the Xterra
So almost 3 years to the day I had to get a new battery for the Xterra, I had been using the AutoZone Duralast for the past decade basically because they kept dying and giving me a new one. I really think that batteries should last more than 3 years so this year I went…
3D – Print – Seat Back Hooks
This is my favorite so far! Primarily because although I’ve had the Xterra for about 8 years now, the back is solid plastic and there isn’t anything to keep things from sliding around, more than once I’ve made it home from the grocery store with the bread a casualty of a sliding case of ice…
3D – Important FYI
I’ve finally gotten the printer to play nice. The key to this is in the software that you use to ‘slice’ the 3D diagram. This is very specific to the printer and manufacturer. It is immensely important that you follow the directions for setup. In my case I’m using Ultimaker Cura. Knowing next to nothing…
3D – Towel Holder
Trying to get the hang of this 3D printing and this seemed simple enough, it’s a towel holder that I was thinking about using in the RV. It seems to work well enough an they’re small enough that you could use three and hang more towels than you’d need in that small of a space.…
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
It’s a day to be thankful towards the end of a most stressful year. I’m thankful for the roof over my head and family and friends and hoping that my brain holds out long enough to get a degree:)
3D – Initial Print
So after you get the printer assembled, it’s time to test print. Here is your introduction to print bed leveling. This is probably the most important part of setting up the printer, and get used to it, aside from the initial adjustment, you will be doing a lot of this leveling thing so get used…
3D – Printer
So I broke down and got a 3D printer. I didn’t do as much research as I should have and I should have shopped around a bit more because it seems to have gone on sale since I’ve unpacked mine, but different company and there would have been shipping so sour grapes. I settled on…
School Progress
So school can be extremely difficult for me. If I’m not digging the class or assignment it’s easier to pull teeth than to make myself get it done. I’m happy to say I finally submitted my paper for one of those classes and with any luck starting my last non-computer class next week. I need…
More Linux Love
So building on the email/imap server success. I’ve finally learned how to host multiple domains on Apache!!! Yes I know I haven’t reinvented the wheel and I’m pretty sure that I would have figured it out had I needed it earlier but still it’s bad ass to be able to do so. That in and…
Love me some Linux
So everyone knows that Linux is the ultimate toy for computer geeks, it can do anything, do it well and do it free. It was a little over two years ago I broke down and bought a Dell PowerEdge T30. I know, it’s about as entry level as you can get. 8Gb of RAM and…