Category: Computers

  • Fedora 33 > 34 Update Complete

    The computer updates have started. The new goal is going to move the current physical instance of my Linux server into a VirtualBox VM that will host everything until I can bring up RHEL on the new server hard drives and have it pick up things like web hosting and email. Once that’s complete I’ll…

  • More hard drives

    So as alluded to in a previous post, I had a drive crash and it left me feeling a bit shaky about the other three drives that are in the array, one more goes and the system is gone. Not thrilled with the thought of that so I blew $320 and got 4 SATA Seagate…

  • Crashing drives

    Nothing to do with cars but I’ve got a failure on one of the drives that this site is on. It’s got 4 x 3TB SAS Western Digital drives hooked up to a Dell H310 PERC PCI controller in a Dell T30 server. So the T30 doesn’t come with a H310, not sure you can…

  • More monitors

    So in a previous post I mentioned that I’ve brought a couple of Linux workstations online. My old development box (quad core Intel i7 with 24Gb RAM and dual SSD drives) has been turned into a pretty slick Mint desktop. But I could only hook up 2 monitors, so I broke down and bought 4…

  • Python Begins

    So I’m taking a class on Python, I’m actually super excited about this class and it’s been ages waiting to get the class. For those who don’t know Python is a scripting language that is growing exponentially in popularity. It’s amazing what you can do with it, the only downside to it is that it’s…

  • New Linux Mint Desktop

    So for the longest time my old development box was sitting around with an unactivated copy of Windows 10 on it and I was using RDP to VPN in and do my torrent downloading and what have you. Those are things you set and forget because it takes hours/days for the download to complete. After…

  • More Linux Love

    So building on the email/imap server success. I’ve finally learned how to host multiple domains on Apache!!! Yes I know I haven’t reinvented the wheel and I’m pretty sure that I would have figured it out had I needed it earlier but still it’s bad ass to be able to do so. That in and…

  • Love me some Linux

    So everyone knows that Linux is the ultimate toy for computer geeks, it can do anything, do it well and do it free. It was a little over two years ago I broke down and bought a Dell PowerEdge T30. I know, it’s about as entry level as you can get. 8Gb of RAM and…